Bluestone Cabal, Uneven Terrain, An Anthology, MMW Inc. 2019
The opening event began a quest to save a private college from a corrupt
governor and resolve a romantic misunderstanding.
Thugo 5-2-6, MI Sunrise Journal, 2019
A group of teenage boys who play baseball for each other and accomplish
something rare.
Unpublished Short Stories:
The Assignment, 2019
The experiences of one evening could fill a book or at least a chapter.
Mamihlapineatapai, 2020
When two people are attracted to each other but neither one will act.
We Love Our Losers, Until They Win, 2020A story about tall poppy syndrome and the teenage Aussie who overcame it
and taught adults something about life.
Old Main, (seeking representation)
The unlikely story of a young bi-polar architect that saves a private
college from a corrupt governor and reconnects with her long lost love.
Run, (seeking representation)
An individual intercepts a $310 million Bitcoin deposit and decides to keep it
and run from the terrorist who want it back.
Swirling in the Wrong
Direction, 2021 expected
A young Aussie spends a year abroad overcoming tall poppy syndrome, solving a
crime, and teaching a community something about life.